Our first acquaintance with automated machine control was way back in 2002 when a Trimble ATS system was trialled on a grader during the construction of the M6 Toll motorway. At the time it was somewhat of an unpredictable and temperamental beast but the potential of such a system could be clearly seen at this early stage if its problems could be ironed out? Fast forward to the present day and machine control has become an everyday reality in the civil engineering world, with it being used for everything from bulk earthworks through to paving.
Since 2008, Survpro Limited has played an active role in the supervision and development of machine control systems for major contractors, in the pursuit of their goal of achieving a stake and pin less contract in the majority. On several occasions, we have been tasked with the implementation and development of a system for new and previously unproved uses, such as deep drainage. An example of this being Carillion’s A465 Heads of the Valleys’ Section 3 contract, where we developed a method whereby over 85% of the deep drainage was installed using a Leica Icon 3D GNSS system and we converted the managing director of the drainage sub-contractor into being a firm believer of its capabilities within 30 minutes of getting into the cab of their first excavator to be equipped on site.
Due to its main advantages of stake less construction, increased speed, volume accuracy, unplanned works and safety, we are strong supporters of machine control and would advise anyone who hasn’t ventured into it yet, to take a look. If then you are still not sure as to whether it can help your operation, please feel free to get in touch for some free advice?